Second Time Submission

One couple's journey to happiness from Top to Bottom

Monday, August 1, 2011


  Who would have thought I could be saved by a horsefly?

Last night was maintenance night in our house.  K and I went to the spankatorium (his office).  We had a really good talk, reviewed our "contract", made some adjustments and revisions and generally re-connected.  I had been spanked 3 times in the previous 18 hours (one for discipline, one for reminder, one for pure fun), so I really wasn't expecting a really hard one for maintenance.

I had been across K's knee for a good warm-up and he was just getting to "the main event" when the craziest thing happened.  I began to hear this first I thought maybe all the blood was rushing to my head.  But no, it started to get louder....I checked myself to make sure I wasn't having a stroke....nope, all good....just some pain and heat in my rear.

The buzzing got louder.....K kept got louder.....still spanking.

Now, by this time, I am not concentrating on the spanking or the things K is trying to discuss.  All I can hear is this incessant buzzing.  What the heck is it?  Too big for a fly or a bee .......

That's when the mother of all horseflies decided to make it's appearance.....this thing was the size of a small hover-craft. 

This is what I heard..."We are doing this so you remember to be...MY GOD WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?"  He yelled that because the horsefly had obviously take offense to the "offensive" he was taking out on my bare bottom.  That thing would dive bomb him every time he would raise his hand to deliver a spank.  As long as he sat still, it would hover by the ceiling, but let him even remotely raise his hand and it would buzz his head unmercifully.

I know I should have been quiet....I know I should have remained still....I know that's what I should have done, but I coudn't.  I started first silently....but the longer it went on...the more tickled I got....soon I had tears running down my face (not spanking tears, either) and I was shaking with laughter.

I kept picturing this horsefly with a suit of armor fighting the mean ogre to save the poor maiden's bottom.  I would like to say that his quest was fulfilled, but it turns out that K is deadly accurate with his belt.  He nailed that thing from 5 ft away....poor thing never even saw it coming....I know how it feels sometimes. 

Needless to say, our maintenance session was pretty much over,  I couldn't get rid of the giggles and K couldn't stop bragging about his "assassination" of my would-be savior.  "Baby, I hit that thing from HERE...first shot....Baby, did you SEE that?!"

We gave it a nice burial at sea.....RIP my little buzzing friend....your mission was accomplished.


  1. Oh what a tragic story...paying the ultimate price with such valor in the heat of battle...moment of silence please.... Okay, now that that's over, where can I get one of those?!

  2. ROFL! Truly tragic. I will befriend every horsefly I see now...

    I just got "unbut"!!! Ha!

  3. That is the cutest story i have heard in awhile. What a valiant horsefly! His loss of life was not in vain! hahaa

  4. Oh too funny! We've had some goofy spankings that ended with laughter too. And isn't it a good thing he's practiced with that belt? Sara

  5. Kay,
    I'm thinking of starting my own breeding business...horseflies to the wouldn't be a "fly by night" operation, either...ok, cue the groans...that was bad ;)

    Who would have thought, huh?

    Thanks...the whole time I was thinking...I can't wait to tell the blog world this one! He definitely died a hero's death.

    Now seriously, if he can nail a horsefly from 5 feet on the FIRST try, what chance do I have? Yeah, the teaching/learning moment was definitely gone...we gave up and gave in to a good laugh. He's still talking about it this man, the mighty hunter....LOL

  6. LOL....I never thought there was a good side to horseflies...guess you changed my mind! Spankings that end in laughter are sometimes among the most memorable!

  7. hahahahahaha oh that is soooo funny :) love it.

  8. LOL.....Thanks for starting my day with a laugh, K's Sweetie! Somehow I think I'm not going to be so quick to swat flies in my house anymore....

  9. Abby,
    It really was great fun...I still smile every time I think about it.


    He was a good fly..a noble fly....and now...a dead fly...sigh ;)

  10. Fly-by-knight? In buzzing armor? Ha, I gots to get me one of those!! See? Maintenance is evil...even bugs know this. Hahahaha.

  11. Oh that is too funny!! Who would have thought your knight in shining armor is a bug! LOL I'm so glad you shared! I love your blog!!
